200 Points
Deactivate mobile data if you don't need it. An activated mobile internet connection leaves a continuous record of the cellular data you use in your provider's traffic data.

More information

If you are not making calls, sending or receiving text messages or using mobile data, your phone is in an idle state. Your provider will then have no history of your cell position. Only the last so-called location area is known to the wireless network. This is a network of a large number of radio towers that does not provide any reliable information about your exact location. If an authority or an attacker wants to find you, they often rely on silent pings. Only then will your phone be reconnected to a specific cell.

Particularly important for the following target groups:

  • Political activism

Other categories

  • Behavior-based risks
  • Location monitoring
  • Dangers in the mobile network
  • Rather simple

Sources and further links

  1. Location Area