Smartphone, don't spy!
✔ A checklist for your mobile security

This checklist is designed to help you check your smartphone security in a fun way with specific tips. Points and levels in different categories should encourage you to tick off as many things as possible. This is the print version of the list. You can tick off the individual tasks with a pen.

Legend for topics and scenarios

Important basics Journalism, criticism of the regime and exile Protests and demonstrations Direct actions Migration, flight and asylum Vacation and travel House searches and confiscations Stalking and women's shelters Advertising and marketing Fraud and rip-off Behavior-based risks General tips Dangers due to direct access Location monitoring Dangers in the mobile network Dangers on the Internet Apps and operating system Rather simple Rather more complicated Is rather more expensive

1 General tips

1.1 You think about your threat situation

Not all the tasks in this list are relevant to you. Think about your current threat situation and prioritize the tasks using the icons on the tasks! You can find a legend at the top. This will give you a better overview and prevent you from being overwhelmed.

The measures you choose should depend on your current circumstances. People who are on the run, for example, should take different measures than people who are affected by stalking. Some tasks may therefore be useless for you. In this case, you can consider yourself privileged ;-)

1.2 You share this knowledge with others

If we manage to increase the safety of all people, surveillance measures will be less worthwhile. This will also benefit your safety. Share this list in your channels or print out the flyer.

  1. Flyer: Smartphone, don't spy!,, (en)

1.3 You check this list from time to time

Just as technology and this list are constantly changing, your life, your habits and your devices will change in the future. So take time once a year to review this list.

1.4 You have already taken part in a cryptoparty

Cryptoparties are events where you learn how to protect your devices and your communication.

If you are interested in cryptoparties and would like to meet like-minded people, you can find out about upcoming events at, for example. Or you can follow the linked guide and organize a cryptoparty yourself.

  1. How To CryptoParty,, (de), 2019-12-21
  2. Next cryptoparties at,, (en)

1.5 Switch off your phone before sensitive meetings

Switch off your phone before sensitive meetings or store it away to protect confidential meetings. If you can, remove the battery.

Remember that other people cannot know how well you know your own phone. It is therefore always a sign of mutual trust to keep phones out of sensitive conversations. The general rule should be: Trust people rather than their devices.

  1. Cell phone ban: Dutch ministers would have to hand in devices in the future,, (de), 2024-08-23

2 Dangers due to direct access

2.1 You know your most important contacts and logins by heart

You know the most important numbers and names of your friends, family, acquaintances and lawyers by heart. You can also log into your most important accounts, e.g. email, by heart.

If you lose your phone or all your devices, you have a way to restore your contacts and organize help quickly.

Put yourself in one of these situations for a moment and play it through in your mind: You lose your device on a trip or it is stolen. The police take all your devices. What do you do now?

2.2 You are not using a dumbphone

Non-smart push-button devices are often carelessly classified as "secure". However, these often cannot be encrypted and do not offer secure communication.

In the event of confiscation or theft, contacts, text messages and call lists can be read. In addition, dumbphones are just as susceptible to attacks on the mobile network without further protective measures. Dumbphones cannot be encrypted, you cannot install apps such as password managers on them, you cannot clean your pictures of metadata and you cannot use secure messengers.

So on the one hand, these phones have disadvantages. On the other hand, it should also be noted that non-smart devices completely rule out some dangers. For example, the risk of malware infections is much lower here. However, encryption and secure communication seem so important in the face of inflationary confiscation and surveillance that a smart device is often preferable.

2.3 You have removed your SIM card number

There is an inconspicuous number on the back of your SIM card. Scratch it so that you cannot be identified by it and your provider in the event of confiscation.

Please be careful and take care not to destroy the chip. So don't scratch too deeply! Of course, this only applies to physical SIM cards. eSims do not have such a number.

2.4 You have set up a screen lock

The display on your device switches off automatically after a while. To unlock it again, use complex patterns or alphanumeric passwords.

Your password should be at least 20 characters long. Remember that attacks can also come from your immediate environment. For example, if partners access your device unintentionally. Passwords are always better than unlock patterns as they can be easily observed.

  1. Stalkerware: protection against surveillance is possible,, (de), 2024-11-24
  2. 7 essential password rules to follow in 2024, according to security experts,, (en), 2024-10-25

2.5 Notifications on your lock screen are deactivated

In your smartphone settings, you can specify what is displayed on the screen when your device is locked. Disable lock screen notifications completely so that no chat messages or other sensitive information are displayed.

2.6 Your smartphones are encrypted

Encrypt your smartphones with a strong alphanumeric password that is at least 20 characters long. This prevents data from being read very effectively.

Strong encryption is important. A screen lock is not enough and is not the same as encryption. Activate encryption in your settings! Professional mobile forensic software like Cellebrite can easily bypass most screen locks via the USB interface by exploiting security holes or trying to guess your pin. All police departments in Germany have this software. All your data, contacts, call logs, location data, login data and much more could then be automatically collected, processed and visualized via USB. Your encryption password should therefore be particularly strong. Use a very complex pattern or an alphanumeric password for encryption!

But what is the difference between encryption and a pin or password? Put simply, password or pin protection is like a locked room. Attackers can still break through the window or wall to access your data. With encryption, on the other hand, the entire room is hacked into small pieces and scattered evenly across the floor. It is not possible to read out this data chaos without the right key that sorts everything again.

  1. 7 essential password rules to follow in 2024, according to security experts,, (en), 2024-10-25
  2. Smartphone access allowed even for minor offenses,, (de), 2024-10-04
  3. Google Warns: Android Zero-Day Flaws in Pixel Phones Exploited by Forensic Companies,, (en), 2024-04-03
  4. Saxony-Anhalt - Police search a smartphone every 3.5 hours,, (de), 2024-02-12
  5. Transparent refugees - Changing lives for the worse with computers,, (de), 2023-12-29
  6. Deportation of tolerated persons: Berlin continues to search cell phones,, (de), 2023-06-28
  7. Phone-Cracking Cellebrite Software Used to Prosecute Tortured Dissident,, (en), 2016-12-08
  8. How to Enter the US With Your Digital Privacy Intact,, (en)

2.7 You can switch off your devices quickly

Encryption is only effective when the phone is switched off. Therefore, practise how to switch off your phone quickly in stressful situations.

Even if your phone is encrypted, professional mobile forensic software such as Cellebrite can access it via USB. Data could be extracted or spyware could be installed. As long as your phone is switched on, the encryption is ineffective as the data is decrypted. Encryption is only really effective when it is switched off. Your phone is then in the so-called 'Before First Unlock' status. It is extremely unlikely that unwanted access to the data can take place without the correct password, pattern or biometric feature.

So be sure to switch off your phone before you give it into someone else's hands! If you want to be on the safe side, you can also attach a killswitch to your phone. This allows you to quickly remove the battery in dangerous situations. You can find more details about this idea in the further information.

  1. How the Serbian government spies on civil society,, (de), 2024-12-16
  2. Hundreds of thousands of euros to crack refugees' cell phones,, (de), 2024-05-24
  3. Confiscated smartphones: an encroachment on fundamental rights of unknown proportions,, (de), 2023-10-30
  4. A killswitch for your smartphone,, (de), 2020-01-26
  5. How to Enter the US With Your Digital Privacy Intact,, (en)

2.8 You are using a privacy film

You can apply a special film to your display that prevents bystanders or cameras from being able to read it. These films are available for many models. They use optical effects that mean your display is only visible from a certain angle.

2.9 Your SIM card is protected with a PIN

You should never deactivate the PIN protection on your SIM card. If the PIN is deactivated, authorities or other persons can use the card themselves to gain access to messengers, for example.

If your SIM card is not protected with a PIN, other people can theoretically remove it from your phone and insert it into another phone. They could then try to access your accounts that use your SIM card's phone number. This attack is similar to SIM swapping. Here, people trick your provider into sending them a copy of your SIM card using your personal data. In an unobserved moment, your SIM card can be inserted directly into another phone without pin protection and without your knowledge.

Note for anonymous SIM cards: If you use anonymous SIM cards, you often cannot activate the pin lock as you often do not know the pin / PUK associated with the card. You often receive these cards with the pin deactivated. In this case, you should make sure that all your messengers are secured with a second factor (e.g. PIN) and that you do not use the card itself for two-factor authentication or logins.

2.10 You do without memory cards

Memory cards cannot be reliably encrypted on all devices. It is also possible to restore data that was saved on them when they were previously used with other devices. Therefore, only use memory cards if you know what is stored on them and if you have overwritten them beforehand.

Some older Android devices also create a signature of apps used on your memory card by creating separate folders for apps used. This allows conclusions to be drawn about the apps you are using. Caution! Overwriting flash memory is often not 100% possible. Data can still be left behind.

2.11 Do not use biometric unlocking

You should never use your fingerprint or face to unlock your phone. Authorities with access to fingerprints or images can otherwise unlock the device. Therefore, use complex patterns or alphanumeric passwords.

Fingerprints and facial recognition are not secure methods for unlocking your device. They are like passwords that you can never change. Data leaks or malware could cause this sensitive information to be lost and put you at a disadvantage. The police can also use your fingerprints to unlock your device. There have already been court rulings on this in Germany and the USA. If you have an iPhone, you can temporarily lock Face ID and your fingerprint by pressing a special key combination. For Android, lockdown mode is available on some devices, allowing you to quickly disable these functions in an emergency.

  1. US court approves forced fingerprint to unlock smartphone,, (de), 2024-04-19
  2. Researchers generate fingerprints from wiping noises,, (de), 2024-02-21
  3. Basic assumption disproved: AI finds patterns in a person's fingerprints,, (de), 2024-01-11
  4. How to use Android's lockdown mode (and why),, (en), 2023-06-29
  5. Police may take fingerprints to unlock cell phones,, (de), 2023-03-10
  6. Tip: How to lock Face ID and Touch ID within 2 seconds,, (de), 2022-06-29

2.12 You have deactivated USB debugging

Be sure to deactivate USB debugging if you are familiar with it. Normally, this function is deactivated by default on all devices and must be consciously activated by you.

2.13 You bought and set up your devices yourself

You have bought all your devices yourself, pacted them out yourself and set them up yourself.

Always be careful when other people give you a smartphone as a gift, for example. Be particularly skeptical if it has already been set up initially. Spyware could be installed on it. There are also fully set-up phones with spyware on sale, which even inexperienced people can easily use to monitor others. The police have also sold smartphones with pre-installed spyware directly to criminal networks.

2.14 You assess your risk before looking for spyware yourself

Weigh up for yourself whether it is safe for you to search for spyware on your phone. Especially in toxic relationships where violence is expected, it may be better not to look for it.

As the person who may have installed the spy app on your phone can see everything you do, this could potentially put you at risk. It is better to secretly get a second device and use it to contact special help centers.

  1. How to stop spy apps,, (de), 2025-01-27
  2. Help for victims of violence,, (de)
  3. Women against violence .e.V.: Help & advice Local support services,, (de)
  4. The Federal Association of Women's Counseling Centers and Women's Emergency Calls,, (de)

2.15 You contact help centers about a new second device

Try not to contact violence and stalking support services from your own device if you fear violence. Secretly organize a new device for research and contacts.

Remember not to use the new device with your Wi-Fi at home. Otherwise, the new device could be discovered via the settings of your home router. If you do not have access to your own account or it is being monitored, try asking friends for help. Use prepaid SIM cards and pay for them in cash. Do not log into existing accounts with your phone, but create new ones to be on the safe side. This also applies to your email address. Because perpetrators often have access to this too.

  1. How to stop spy apps,, (de), 2025-01-27
  2. Help for victims of violence,, (de)
  3. Women against violence .e.V.: Help & advice Local support services,, (de)
  4. The Federal Association of Women's Counseling Centers and Women's Emergency Calls,, (de)

2.16 You only use your own charging cable

Only use power adapters and cables for charging that you trust. Mark the cable and power adapter to prevent them from being replaced.

If possible, use a USB cable without data function for charging. Tampered cables or USB sockets in hotels, buses or trains could read data or install unwanted software. If you are not sure, you can simply switch off your phone for the charging process. This way, nothing can be installed or read out and it will still charge.

  1. Stealth: FBI warns against using public cell phone charging stations,, (de), 2023-04-12

2.17 Your operating system has verified boot

Verified Boot prevents tampering with your operating system and shows you warning messages at startup if something is wrong. You should make sure that your device is secured with it. If you have installed your own system, you should activate verified boot.

You can find out whether your device supports verified boot or not from the manufacturing company. If you have installed your own operating system on your device, you should make sure that verified boot is supported for your device.

2.18 The bootloader of your device is locked

A locked bootloader prevents new or manipulated operating systems from being installed on your device.

Normally you have to unlock the bootloader manually. This is often necessary if you want to install new operating systems on your device, for example. On many Android devices, this leads to the factory settings being restored and to data loss. Some manufacturers require you to request special codes for this. So you usually know whether the bootloader of your device has been unlocked or not. You should definitely lock the bootloader again after installing your own system.

If you have activated the developer options in the settings, you can usually check under OEM unlocking to see whether the bootloader is probably unlocked or not. If you see a warning message such as "The bootloader is unlocked and the software integrity cannot be guaranteed." when you start your device, your bootloader is definitely unlocked.

2.19 Your device does not display red or yellow warning messages at startup

When you start your device, you will not see warning messages such as "Your device is corrupted" or "Cannot be trusted". Take these messages seriously and do not continue booting your device if you are unsure.

This specifically refers to warning messages that are displayed when the phone is started and not in any app or browser. Messages that are displayed directly when starting the device are usually trustworthy and you should take them seriously.

Warning messages when starting the phone indicate serious security flaws such as replaced operating systems or unlocked bootloaders.

2.20 You have sealed your device

Sealing can help you to determine whether hardware has been tampered with after returning your device. For example, put a drop of special sealing wax or nail polish on the seams of your device. This way you can determine whether it has been opened.

  1. Ever thought about hardware sealing?,, (de), 2020-08-09

2.21 You have noted the unique numbers of your device

In your phone's settings, you will find unique, unchangeable hardware numbers such as the serial number, Wi-Fi Mac address, Bluetooth Mac address and IMEI. Make a note of these numbers. This way, you can always be sure that your device has not been secretly replaced.

Make sure that you store these numbers in a secret place. It is best to store them in encrypted form. This way, you don't have to worry that these numbers will be used in the future to assign a specific phone to you.

2.22 You make regular backups

Make regular backups of your most important data. Your backup doesn't have to be perfect. A bad backup is better than no backup!

You should also think about important apps such as 2-factor apps or password managers when making your backup. The settings can usually be easily exported from these. If possible, use open-source backup software such as "Neo Backup". However, this requires root rights. However, a simple regular copy of your most important data on a USB stick is also a good start! Remember that "No Backup, No Mercy" is an arrogant attitude. Not everyone has the knowledge and technical capabilities for backups. Help each other!

2.23 Your backups are encrypted

If you have the option, you should definitely encrypt your backups to protect them from unauthorized access.

The Android app Neo Backup supports encryption out of the box. However, you can also create encrypted zip archives manually or encrypt entire USB sticks. Under Linux, MacOS and some versions of Windows, this can be done very easily via a graphical interface. You can also use encryption software for your sticks, such as VeraCrypt, which works on most operating systems. If you want to delve deeper into the matter and are not afraid of the command line, you can take a look at professional software such as Restic (Linux) or duplicity (Linux). You will then need to connect your device to a computer.

  1. Windows: How to encrypt a USB flash drive—and why you should,, (en), 2022-12-29
  2. Windows: How to password protect ZIP files and folders on PC,, (en), 2022-03-30
  3. Linux: How to encrypt a USB disk,, (en), 2021-09-01
  4. MacOS: Encrypting and protecting a storage medium with a password using Disk Utility on the Mac,, (de)
  5. VeraCrypt,, (en)
  6. duplicity,, (en)
  7. restic,, (en)

2.24 Your backups are stored decentrally

You should definitely store your backups decentrally and outside your home so that you can access them quickly in the event of theft or confiscation.

Get an overview of the importance of your data and store it accordingly. For example, store less important copies of your music or picture collection further away with friends. Critical backups of access data or important documents should be stored redundantly and close to you. In general, you should also keep a copy of your backups outside your home.

2.25 You practise restoring your backups

Restoring your data is the most important part of a backup. Practice this situation! This way you can see if your backup is intact. Make sure that you can restore your backup without access to other backups, password managers and two-factor apps.

Wondering how to do this if everything is encrypted? Here's an idea: create a separate password database. Put all the important main passwords for your computer, phone, other password databases and also for your backup archives in this database. Now create a list of 10-20 personal questions that only you can answer. The answers to the questions together form your master password for emergencies. Copy this critical database to a USB stick and store the questions next to it. If you want, you can also work through the questions together with your partner, friends or family members. This way, you can recover your data even if something should happen to you.

2.26 You do not store unused appliances in your home

In the event of a house search, burglary, flooding or other emergencies, all devices are often stolen or destroyed. Prepare for this by storing unused devices with your friends. That way you'll have a quick replacement.

2.27 You do not unlock your smartphone on demand

The police often ask for pins and passwords when seizing a smartphone on a court order or when seizing a smartphone. Do not say anything. Do not unlock anything. Contact a lawyer.

You should also not react if you receive a letter from the police asking you to hand over your PIN. The police may also try to put you under verbal pressure. They may tell you that handing over the password will mitigate the penalty. Or they might tell you that you will get your phone back more quickly. Or they claim that it can be expensive for you to have your smartphone cracked professionally. Stand firm and refuse to hand it over! If in doubt, contact a lawyer.

2.28 You don't share your passwords with other people

Sharing your passwords or unlock codes with other people is not a sign of love. It's a sign of mutual respect not to.

  1. Stalkerware: protection against surveillance is possible,, (de), 2024-11-24

2.29 You have overwritten your phone once

Did you buy the phone second-hand? Then you should overwrite the entire memory once to avoid unwanted data being found on your device.

Used phones may contain illegal data that could be recovered and analyzed. To avoid this becoming your downfall, you should completely overwrite the phone once. If you have the possibility, generate large random files and copy them to your phone until it is full. Otherwise, you can also download large test files from the Internet and overwrite your phone's memory with them.

Caution! Overwriting flash memory is often not 100% possible. Data can still be left behind. With more modern Android devices and iPhones, this is usually not necessary due to the encrypted file system. In this case, however, make sure that the phone has been properly reset to factory settings. If you are not sure, you can still overwrite it.

2.30 Deactivate unused interfaces

You should only activate positioning, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or NFC if you really need it.

In certain cases, you can be recognized via Wi-Fi. In the most extreme cases, even your home address can be determined. Some devices reveal the unique hardware number of your Wi-Fi interface as well as the list of your known Wi-Fi networks. You can easily search for the physical locations of Wi-Fi networks on websites such as Google and Apple use their market power to store the locations of neighboring Wi-Fi networks through their devices in their own databases. Do you operate your own Wi-Fi? Google, Apple and all the secret services know its coordinates. But Bluetooth and other interfaces also harbor dangers. Bluetooth, for example, is susceptible to bluesnarfing (opening ports that are actually closed by commands from outside), bluejacking (sending unwanted messages), bluebugging (exploiting a backdoor), bluesmacking (denial of service) or car whispering (eavesdropping on the hands-free system).

  1. Seven ways to protect your location from data brokers,, (de), 2025-01-15
  2. Bluetooth too insecure: US Navy seeks alternative,, (de), 2024-01-26
  3. Bluetooth gap: Keystrokes can be injected into Android, Linux, iOS and macOS,, (de), 2023-12-11
  4. Private as hell: iPhones revealed physical MAC address,, (de), 2023-10-30
  5. Bluetooth spam now also works via Android app,, (de), 2023-09-01
  6. Why a hidden SSID does not provide security, but even enables movement profiles,, (de), 2020-06-28
  7. - All the networks. Found by Everyone.,, (en)

2.31 Avoid Bluetooth devices such as earbuds if possible

If you want to be sure that you are not being monitored via Bluetooth, you should use a wired connection for your headphones.

Bluetooth devices such as earbuds can potentially be overheard when exchanging their secret keys. Attackers within range could listen in unnoticed.

  1. BLUFFS: New attacks jeopardize Bluetooth data security on billions of devices,, (de), 2023-11-30
  2. Bluetooth vulnerability enables undetected attacks,, (de), 2020-05-21

2.32 Cameras that are not in use are covered

You should simply cover unused cameras with stickers. For example, if you don't use the selfie camera or only use it rarely.

If you live in Germany, you can order special removable stickers for your smartphone cameras free of charge from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ). But normal stickers will also do the job. Make sure that you don't stick over the inconspicuous brightness sensor! This causes some smartphones to switch off the display because they think they are in a trouser pocket. If you have problems with stalking or are being followed by ex-partners, you should completely cover your cameras to be on the safe side.

3 Dangers in the mobile network

3.1 You use data-saving telephone tariffs

A flat rate generally generates less data than a tariff with minute-based billing or itemized bills. This is because these have to be recorded and stored. Flat rates generate less data. Prepaid tariffs generally do not even generate billing data and are therefore very data-efficient.

3.2 You have objected to the marketing of your transaction data

Many network operators sell your movement data to various advertising companies. You can object to this transfer in some countries.

Ask the providers how long the data is stored in the various tariffs and with whom it is shared. There are also extra data protection-friendly providers such as "Wetell" in Germany. Nevertheless, these do not protect against the numerous monitoring possibilities in the mobile network! Anonymous SIM cards are therefore always preferable.

  1. Mobile phone provider: Objection to the collection of movement data,, (de), 2018-02-09

3.3 You have not activated your mobile data connection continuously

Deactivate mobile data if you don't need it. An activated mobile internet connection leaves a continuous record of the cellular data you use in your provider's traffic data.

If you are not making calls, sending or receiving text messages or using mobile data, your phone is in an idle state. Your provider will then have no history of your cell position. Only the last so-called location area is known to the wireless network. This is a network of a large number of radio towers that does not provide any reliable information about your exact location. If an authority or an attacker wants to find you, they often rely on silent pings. Only then will your phone be reconnected to a specific cell.

  1. What is a Location Area?,, (en)

3.4 You don't take your cell phone to the demo

You should not take your phone with you to the demonstration or switch it to flight mode some time beforehand or switch it off completely and leave it like this for some time after the demonstration.

The reason is that many phones are simply seized or confiscated by the police. But so-called IMSI catchers are also a problem. This also applies if you use anonymous SIM cards. Targeted tracking (for example on the way home) of individual persons with IMSI catchers allows a telephone number to be assigned to a person. Regardless of whether the SIM card is anonymous or not. IMSI catchers can be found in backpacks or even on drones.

An IMSI catcher creates a fake cell to which your phone connects because the signal of the IMSI catcher is stronger than that of the surrounding real cells. If you are tracked long enough, the attackers only have to check which phone has been logged in the longest. Your IMSI is then known to the attackers. This can then be used as the basis for radio cell evaluations, telecommunications surveillance or other measures. As a rule, you have no easy way of determining whether your phone is connected to a fake cell.

3.5 You don't use apps like "SnoopSnitch"

Apps that can potentially detect IMSI catchers or silent text messages will not help you in the vast majority of cases. You should avoid these apps and instead learn why they don't do much and what the alternative is.

First of all, there is nothing wrong with apps like "SnoopSnitch" in general. We can be glad that there are people who deal with this matter and build such apps. Nevertheless, you have to understand that such apps are completely ineffective in the vast majority of cases. SnoopSnitch, for example, only works on 2G and 3G networks if your phone is rooted and if a very special chip is installed on the mainboard of your device. You need to understand that communication with the mobile network is a completely opaque black box for your operating system. Your operating system and your apps are not able to control or monitor communication with a radio tower (base station) in detail. This means that the wireless network can communicate with the chip on your device without it being aware of it.

The reason for this is proprietary, commercial hardware that is not open source. This also means that you can be roughly located by silent SMS (stealth ping). The radio chip in your phone registers this, but does not report it to your operating system. Only a few chips have interfaces that allow the operating system to monitor them. SnoopSnitch is only available for this.

A possible sensible defense is an anonymous SIM card. This can help you more effectively in most cases.

  1. Silent SMS & Co.: Government declares secret surveillance completely secret,, (de), 2024-04-03
  2. The state pings every one and a half minutes,, (de), 2018-08-07

3.6 You use anonymous SIM cards

Anonymous SIM cards make it much more difficult for state actors and other attackers to select their targets. Whether silent text messages, IMSI catchers, inventory data information, traffic data information, radio cell evaluations, source monitoring, state trojans or location surveillance. An anonymous SIM card is often one of the few remaining defenses against such surveillance.

The topic of mobile phone monitoring is complex and cannot be fully covered in this context. However, it is important to understand that security apps cannot do anything about such monitoring, for example because it affects data that is already stored with your provider and not on your phone. Or because the apps themselves do not have access to your phone's proprietary radio chip and therefore cannot see silent text messages, for example. Or because the attack takes place in the wireless network between network providers. Or because your mobile provider simply sells your data on. So relying on apps or changes in behavior won't help. The only defense is anonymous SIM cards. Also bear in mind that over 100 government agencies in Germany can access people's phone numbers and vice versa without a court order.

You can order anonymous sim cards on the Internet. The search engine of your choice will help you. This project deliberately does not want to advertise individual services. Sometimes there is also scam. Please keep in mind that anonymous cards are probably often registered by marginalized groups like migrants to make some money. Many cards are backed by real people who vouch for you with their own name. Therefore, only use the card to protect yourself.

  1. Regensburg Regional Court: Radio cell searches also permitted for minor offenses,, (de), 2024-09-24
  2. Surveillance now completely secret,, (de), 2024-04-02
  3. Pegasus infections in Togo revealed for the first time,, (de), 2024-01-23
  4. State Trojans threaten fundamental rights in the EU,, (de), 2024-01-18
  5. Federal Network Agency shuts down pseudonymous mobile connections,, (de), 2024-01-08
  6. Attackers can disconnect 714 smartphone models from the 5G network,, (de), 2023-12-09
  7. Researchers: Security gaps in roaming remain a major threat even with 5G,, (de), 2023-10-27
  8. Stealth: Mobile phone providers once again illegally passed on data to Schufa,, (de), 2023-09-16
  9. Russian journalist in exile hacked with Pegasus,, (de), 2023-09-14
  10. Company creates scoring profiles of half of all cell phone users worldwide,, (de), 2023-06-27
  11. Authorities ask who owns a phone number every second,, (de), 2022-06-21
  12. The 5-G monitoring standards,, (de), 2019-08-28
  13. 35C3 - The hidden side of mobile communications,, (de), 2018-12-29
  14. Interactive card: mandatory registration for prepaid SIM cards widespread in Europe,, (de), 2017-08-02
  15. The end of anonymity,, (de), 2017-07-11
  16. Computer science expertise: One phone number is enough to hit a person with a drone missile,, (de), 2016-09-20
  17. SS7: Locate. Track. Manipulate,, (en), 2014-12-28
  18. Frequently asked questions: General and SINA connection,, (de)
  19. Was ist RRLP?,, (en)

3.7 You use your smartphone exclusively for one SIM card

Only use your anonymous SIM card in a specific phone. Never use the same phone for another SIM card. This is because the unique number of the SIM and the unique number of your phone are always stored together in the provider's traffic data.

3.8 You often use other SIM cards and a proxy phone

To further increase security, you can often change your anonymous SIM cards. Each time you switch, you should also change the phone used for this purpose.

Since the IMSI always appears together with the IMEI in the traffic data of your network provider, you should also change your phone when you change your SIM card. As you can imagine, it is time-consuming and expensive to change your phone from time to time. You would have to constantly set up your apps again and spend a lot of money on a new phone. To keep costs down, you can work with proxy phones. And this is how it works: You have a more expensive device for your regular use on which all your apps are installed. There is no SIM card in this phone. It is therefore invisible to the mobile network. You get Internet access via an inexpensive second device with a SIM card inserted. This phone does not need much power. However, it can provide you with a Wi-Fi hotspot and therefore Internet. You can also use it to make normal phone calls if you want. This phone can be replaced quickly with the SIM card inserted. The only disadvantage is that you always have two smartphones with you.

3.9 Deactivate your sim card when traveling with a group

If you are traveling with friends, acquaintances, family or comrades, you should not use your SIM card if you do not want your relationships to be traced.

You should not use the SIM card to make calls, send text messages or use your mobile internet connection. To be on the safe side, remove it from your phone or activate flight mode.

If you move through identical radio cells with other people over a longer period of time, it is theoretically possible to narrow down who you could be or who your family or friends are. This also applies if you use an anonymous SIM card. The shared cell changes may be logged in your provider's traffic data. If these are merged, it may be possible to determine who you were traveling with. Ask friends to provide you with a Wi-Fi hotspot if you are traveling and need Internet access. Use this with a VPN or Tor for security. If you are traveling with a larger group, only one person should create a hotspot. Everyone else should remove their SIM cards for this time or activate flight mode.

3.10 Do not use your anonymous SIM card at the same time as a non-anonymous card

If you use an anonymous SIM card, but a second non-anonymous card is inserted in your device at the same time, the anonymous SIM card is no longer anonymous. This also applies to a second phone that you carry with you.

As both SIM cards share the IMEI of the phone in the provider's traffic data, the anonymous card can be easily traced back to you. Also avoid carrying a second phone with a non-anonymous card inserted in it. Since the anonymous SIM card and the non-anonymous SIM card move together through identical radio cells, it is theoretically possible to determine who the anonymous card belongs to. Even if the SIM cards are inserted in different devices.

3.11 You deactivate your SIM card when traveling in modern cars

Sim cards are also installed in modern cars. If your anonymous or non-anonymous SIM card moves through radio cells together with the SIM card of a vehicle, they leave a trace through the traffic data of the providers involved. This may make it possible to identify who you are or who you are traveling with.

As modern vehicles are permanently connected to the internet via their SIM cards, traffic data and therefore rough location data is constantly being collected by the providers. This can be compared with other traffic data such as the movement profile of your own SIM card. In addition, many car manufacturers also log very precise location data in their own clouds.

  1. Volkswagen movement profiles of 800,000 electric cars revealed,, (de), 2024-12-27

3.12 Switch off all electronic devices when crossing fortified border installations

If you are forced to cross fortified border installations such as walls or fences at national borders, you should switch off your smartphone and all electronic devices completely. Remove the battery to make detection less likely.

Border fences and walls have been technically upgraded for some years now. This is happening at the EU borders, but also at the US border with Mexico, for example. We have to assume that, in addition to camera technology, so-called radio frequency analyzers are also being used. These are technical receivers that are able to recognize different radio signals. Because these devices are located at different points along border installations, they can determine the exact position of people or groups of people by measuring the transit times of the radio signals. It is therefore important to deactivate mobile internet, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. It is best to switch off the devices completely and remove the battery for safety reasons. This should also be done a few kilometers before a border facility. If you are traveling in a group, this advice should be followed by everyone.

  1. Missing Link: Border security USA made in Germany,, (de), 2024-12-01

3.13 You don't give out your phone number

Anyone who knows your phone number can easily attack you. Keep your number secret if possible. If you still want to be reachable, you can use messengers with a call function that do not require a number or where the number can be hidden.

On sites such as or, for example, it is easy to find out whether a device is abroad or not, or whether a device is currently switched on. All you need is the phone number. There's nothing you can do about it except keep your number secret. State actors also have other options, such as infecting the device with a zero-click exploit (state trojan). Only an anonymous SIM card and keeping your number secret will effectively protect you from government attacks.

3.14 You don't make calls with your anonymous card

Do not use your anonymous SIM card/phone for regular phone calls or text messages. You can see who the target contacts are in the traffic data if they do not also have an anonymous card. This may make it possible to narrow down who you are. If possible, only use the card with other anonymous cards or switch to Internet messengers for messages and phone calls.

3.15 You have purchased SIM cards and phones anonymously

You should never order SIM cards and phones directly to your address or pay from your accounts. To leave no trace, you can ask friends to order or collect them for you. Pay in cash.

3.16 You get your phone credit anonymously

You should also obtain the credit for your SIM card anonymously or via intermediaries. Therefore, use sim cards for which you can buy credit in cash at cash registers or ask friends to send you the credit code.

3.17 You suppress your phone number when you make calls

You can suppress your phone number when you make calls. This means that the person you are calling cannot see your own number. You can set this for certain people or for all calls.

You should suppress your number, especially if you are being stalked. This is because your number can be used in a variety of ways to attack you. Also be aware that suppressing your number will only mean that it will not be displayed on the other party's phone. Your number will still be saved in the call logs (traffic data) of the providers involved. The authorities can therefore trace your call even if your number is suppressed. Use anonymous SIM cards if you need real anonymity.

  1. How to suppress a phone number,, (de), 2023-05-03

3.18 Deactivate your voicemail

Sensitive information about you or your relationships could be left as a voice message on your voicemail at any time and without your knowledge. Therefore, deactivate your voicemail for security reasons.

Information that other people speak to your voicemail could reveal relationships and sensitive information such as names. In Germany, voicemail monitoring is part of telecommunications surveillance (TKÜ), which can be carried out by the police.

3.19 Dial emergency numbers such as 110 and 112 carefully

Advanced Mobile Location (AML) has been used in Germany and many other countries since 2019 and is gradually being expanded to locate people in emergency situations. If you don't want this, you should prepare yourself for it.

Before AML, rescue coordination centers only had extremely inaccurate radio cell data at their disposal (if at all) to locate people in emergency situations. AML, on the other hand, is firmly integrated into modern telephones and their operating systems: When an emergency number is dialed, the phone automatically activates GPS and Wi-Fi to determine its own position. This is then automatically transmitted to the control center via the Internet or SMS. This extremely precise location is only activated by dialing the emergency numbers and cannot be used from outside without your active involvement. In most cases, there is nothing you can do to prevent you from being automatically located when you dial these numbers. Unfortunately, this also makes it more difficult to make anonymous reports. You should therefore always consider whether dialing emergency numbers from your own phone is really necessary. You can find a list of all countries with AML on Wikipedia. AML is part of the Play services on Android and can be deactivated via the emergency settings.

  1. Pilot project: Police use AML for more precise location of emergency calls,, (de), 2024-11-28
  2. Data protection authorities allow nationwide emergency call tracking,, (de), 2024-03-20
  3. Emergency call 112: Android can send more data to control center in an emergency,, (de), 2023-12-31
  4. The emergency location service quickly provides precise location information,, (de)
  5. Location data for emergency call 112,, (de)
  6. Advanced Mobile Location,, (de)

3.20 You have set up a block for third-party providers

With a third-party block, you can prevent apps, websites or scammers from charging costs for subscriptions or other purchases to your phone bill.

If you would like to set up such a block, you can contact your provider online or by telephone.

  1. Smartphone traps: Protection from subscription traps with third-party provider blocking,, (de), 2024-02-19

3.21 You don't give your name immediately when you answer the phone

You should not use your name to accept a call. Use generic phrases like 'hello' instead.

4 Dangers on the Internet

4.1 Refrain from taking photos and videos at demonstrations

You should refrain from taking photos and videos when you attend demonstrations. Video material on confiscated devices can incriminate other participants. There is also a risk that recordings that end up on the internet will be used to identify individuals.

4.2 You are not transmitting your screen to a smart TV

Some smart TVs take screenshots and audio recordings and upload them automatically and unintentionally to the internet. Protect yourself by not pairing your smartphone with a smart TV.

  1. Why your smart TV is secretly taking screenshots and how to protect yourself against it,, (de), 2024-10-15
  2. Stealth: Smart TVs from LG & Samsung transmit screenshots to their own servers,, (de), 2024-09-25

4.3 You are careful when scanning QR codes

When scanning QR codes, pay attention to the authenticity of the target page and check exactly where the code takes you. Be skeptical if you are asked to enter personal data or bank information after scanning.

QR codes are repeatedly pasted over at charging stations or vending machines, for example. However, they are sometimes also sent with letters. This is how people are tricked into entering personal information on fake websites or installing malicious apps. So check the target carefully. Be skeptical of stick-on codes. QR codes should be designed in such a way that they are forgery-proof. For example, they should be placed behind a pane of glass to prevent them from being replaced.

4.4 You clean up links before you share them with others

Links that you have copied directly from online stores, Google, social platforms or other sites often contain tracking information that you should always delete before sharing.

The link, for example, contains a large number of so-called query parameters that reveal who has shared the link and where it comes from. This allows tracking networks to recognize who is sharing information with whom. The example link shown here contains the information that it was sent to you via a newsletter. It also contains an ID 'XYZ123', which uniquely identifies you. Can you see the question mark in the link? Everything behind it is in most cases irrelevant for accessing the target page. The cleaned link is therefore simply

Sometimes, however, the parameters are also important in order to call up certain content on the pages. You can easily test this by calling up the cleaned link yourself. You should always be skeptical when cryptic strings are included in the links. You are welcome to use the open source app 'Léon' to automatically clean the links.

4.5 You do not carry your bank card directly next to your smartphone

You should not carry or store your bank card right next to your smartphone. Malware could read and send the data via NFC. Alternatively, use RFID protective covers for your cards and deactivate NFC.

Malware can use your smartphone's NFC interface to read data from bank cards. You can protect yourself by not keeping your cards right next to your smartphone. You can also order special RFID protective covers online that can protect you.

  1. ATM rip-off: How fraudsters want to take money out of Android users' pockets,, (de), 2024-08-27
  2. New Android Malware NGate Steals NFC Data to Clone Contactless Payment Cards,, (en), 2024-08-26

4.6 You are careful with your personal data

You should think carefully about what personal information you share online. For example, are you easy to find via search engines? If so, you should try to remove this data.

Specialized agencies and data brokers collect public information and information from data leaks about you and sell it on to intelligence agencies, for example. Companies such as PimEyes, which specialize in facial recognition, use your personal images to train their AIs. This captures the biometric features of your face and you can be identified in other images in a fraction of a second. Try to find yourself on the internet, identify the services and try to remove your personal data from them. For example, use Google Alerts to be automatically informed via email as soon as your name or other personal data appears on the internet. You can also sometimes use DMCA takedown requests to have your data removed from US websites.

  1. When secret services obtain sensitive data from smartphone apps,, (de), 2024-05-29
  2. DMCA Takedown - Delete your data from,, (de), 2021-09-21

4.7 Use alternative frontends

Alternative frontends for web services such as YouTube, Twitter, TikTok and other websites can help you protect your data.

Instead of YouTube, for example, you can use one of the numerous Invidious instances such as in the browser or the apps FreeTubeAndroid, LibreTube, Tubular or NewPipe. This allows you to avoid advertising and protect your privacy at the same time. You can also install LibRedirect for FireFox. This plugin automatically redirects you to an alternative frontend when surfing the internet. Large companies such as YouTube go to great lengths to make alternative frontends unusable or block them again and again. Don't give up if it doesn't work on the first try!

In general, however, it should be emphasized that it is better to avoid such platforms in general and to prefer open source solutions from the Fediverse.

4.8 You use decentralized open source alternatives to common social media platforms

You know Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram? Ever heard of Fediverse, Mastodon, Pixelfed, Friendica or Peertube? No? Then sign up now!

The Fediverse is developed and run by thousands of volunteers. No corporation or private individual owns the data in it. There are no toxic algorithms but it's just as much fun!

  1. The Join Fediverse Wiki,, (en)
  2. Let's find a Fediverse home,, (de)
  3. Explorer the fediverse map,, (en)

4.9 You use passkeys

Passkeys can replace passwords in some applications and apps and make them completely superfluous. Unlike passwords, they cannot be stolen through phishing or data leaks. Use them when they are offered!

You should not bind PassKeys to a biometric unlock. Also remember to back up your PassKeys in case you lose your device.

  1. Internet without passwords: What you need to know about passkeys now,, (de), 2023-10-19

4.10 You secure your accounts with two-factor authentication

Many services and platforms on the internet offer to secure logins with a second factor. Use this option whenever possible.

Please also bear in mind that it must be possible to create a backup of your second factor. A cell phone number is not really a good second factor. Firstly, you can potentially lose your number. But it is also possible that other people or authorities can gain access to your number. If you lose your SIM card, you won't be able to access your accounts for the time being. If you use a hardware token as a second factor, please make sure that there is a second one for emergencies! If you use software solutions such as Time-Based-One-Time-Passwords, please create backups in your OTP apps! The Android app Aegis, for example, offers automatic backups.

4.11 Your second factor is on a separate device

Your two-factor app is installed on a separate device. This means that your second factor cannot be used to log into your accounts if your device is compromised.

4.12 You are using an ad blocker

Targeted advertising campaigns (microtargeting) are used by intelligence services, among others, to infect individual devices with malware. Protect yourself with ad blockers!

But it's not just intelligence agencies that use advertising to track people. So-called data brokers also sell aggregated data about you from various apps and websites. There are various ad blockers that you can try out at different levels. Network-wide solutions such as eBlocker and Pi-hole protect all devices in your home network. AdAway protects your smartphone and uBlock Origin is a plugin for the Firefox browser.

  1. The spy from the advertising banner,, (de), 2024-03-18
  2. Personalized surveillance instead of advertising: Mobile phone data analyzed and sold,, (de), 2024-01-26
  3. Online advertising as a "serious security risk",, (de), 2023-11-19
  4. The adtech industry tracks most of what you do on the Internet. This file shows just how much.,, (de), 2023-07-06
  5. For beginners/comfortable users: Ban ads and trackers under iOS/Android system-wide,, (de), 2021-10-26
  6. eBlocker,, (en)
  7. Pi-hole,, (en)
  8. AdAway for Android,, (en)
  9. uBlock Origin for Firefox,, (en)

4.13 You use different pseudonyms and email addresses

You can improve your security by using a different name and different email addresses or mobile numbers for registration on all platforms. This way, your accounts cannot be merged through data leaks.

4.14 You do not use your pseudonyms at the same time

Work with a time delay if you want to share the same message in different channels or groups with different pseudonyms. Otherwise it will be obvious that one person is behind the various pseudonyms.

4.15 You use Tor or the Tor browser

Your internet access providers (Telekom, Vodafone, Telefonica, 1&1, etc...) can see which websites you visit. Tor (The Onion Router) can help you greatly improve your anonymity on the Internet. Use websites via the Tor browser and redirect apps with the Orbot app via the Tor network.

4.16 You use privacy-friendly search engines

Google, Apple and other manufacturers pass on data to investigating authorities without hesitation. Therefore, use alternative search engines such as or

You can find more privacy-friendly search engines on the Digitalcourage website.

  1. Alternative search engines,, (de), 2024-11-28
  2. Police are prosecuting abortion seekers using their digital data — and Facebook and Google help them do it,, (en), 2023-03-05
  3. Police receive a list of all users who have googled a keyword,, (de), 2020-10-13
  4. Inverse search: Google provides police with user data based on search terms,, (de), 2020-10-09
  5.,, (en)
  6.,, (en)

4.17 You only use encrypted cloud storage

Many cloud providers cooperate fully with investigating authorities and will not hesitate to hand over your data. Only store encrypted data there.

In general, you should consider whether you need the relevant cloud services at all. For example, you can use apps such as "OpenKeychain" to encrypt files before uploading them to a cloud. If you use an Apple device with your iCloud, activate extended data protection there.

  1. Investigators to gain easier access to cloud data,, (de), 2024-10-29
  2. Apple beats the drum for end-to-end encryption of cloud data,, (de), 2023-12-07
  3. BAMF to read out asylum seekers' cloud storage,, (de), 2023-08-04
  4. OpenKeychain: Easy PGP,, (en)
  5. So aktivierst du den erweiterten Datenschutz für iCloud,, (en)
  6. Harvest now, decrypt later,,_decrypt_later, (en)

4.18 You use VPNs wisely

VPNs can be useful in some cases. However, they are unsuitable for certain applications. Remember that you have to trust VPN providers. You pay them, so they know your identity. Many VPN services cooperate fully with investigative authorities.

VPNs can help you protect your security on non-secure or public networks. They can help you bypass censorship. They hide which websites you visit from your provider. They also hide your own IP from the target applications. However, they do not automatically protect you from hacking, identity theft or data leaks. They also do not automatically make you anonymous and do not prevent social networks from collecting your data.

If you can, use the Tor network or free VPNs instead, such as RiseupVPN, which do not collect any data about you.

  1. Do you really need a VPN?,, (de), 2023-04-19
  2. RiseupVPN,, (en)

4.19 You delete metadata from your images

Your smartphone invisibly attaches metadata such as coordinates, camera type, resolution, smartphone model or operating system to your pictures. With some camera apps, this can be partially or completely deactivated.

If your phone is stolen, this data can provide information about your origin. Use apps like "Imagepipe" to clean up your pictures before you upload them to the Internet. You can install Imagepipe on your Android smartphone via F-Droid.

4.20 You consistently refuse your consent on websites

On many websites, you will be asked to consent to cookies, analyses and tracking. Consistently refuse your consent. Even if this is often more complicated.

By refusing cookies and analyses by third-party providers on websites, you prevent yourself from being recognized and categorized by large advertising networks. It also prevents external services from monitoring your approximate location via your IP address. Sometimes refusing this monitoring is deliberately hidden or not possible at all.

  1. Seven ways to protect your location from data brokers,, (de), 2025-01-15

4.21 You read through data protection declarations

Do you take the time to read the privacy policies of new apps and services you register with? Do you care who your data is shared with and what happens to it?

4.22 You encrypt your emails or do without them

Do you use email? Then you should definitely think about encryption such as GPG/OpenPGP.

Did you know that in Germany, for example, many email providers are considered telecommunications services? This means that authorities can request your inventory data and emails. But even without official surveillance, emails are exposed to many dangers. An email passes through many nodes on its way to a mailbox and can be read at numerous points. In addition, numerous freemail services such as or probably use the content of your emails to show you targeted advertising.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to encrypt emails because, for example, the other party does not offer encryption. If encryption is not possible, switch to secure messenger apps such as Signal.

  1. Unlawful official requests for information have risen sharply,, (de), 2024-02-27

4.23 Avoid logins via Google, Apple or Microsoft

You do not use logins from third-party providers such as Google, Microsoft or Apple in apps and websites. If possible, create a separate login for the respective website or app.

Some apps and websites offer you the option of logging in to them using SSO (single sign-on) with accounts from other companies or groups. This is intended to increase convenience because you don't need to register separately. Unfortunately, this procedure has some disadvantages. If your main password for an SSO provider is compromised, all other apps and websites that you have used to log in will also be affected. In addition, the providers of such logins collect detailed data about the use of the apps and websites in the background and have full access to your account. This enables even more detailed profiling for data traders and advertising networks.

4.24 Delete unused accounts

It is important to delete accounts that you no longer need. Take the time to do this once a year. Regardless of whether you needed them for a website or an app. If you haven't used them for a while, you should close them. This minimizes the risk of data leaks.

4.25 You check whether you are affected by data leaks

Personal data is leaked from websites, portals and online stores every day. Those affected are rarely informed. The data is sold, traded or is often freely accessible.

On the website you can quickly and easily find out whether your email address appears in data leaks. You can also create an account there and be notified automatically when new findings are made.

  1. have i been pwned?,, (en)

4.26 You check the authenticity of important messages

You should check the authenticity of emails, chat messages and text messages, especially if they ask or request you to take an action. For example, if you are asked to enter your personal details or password.

You should also thoroughly check the request to transfer money. You can do this by contacting the person or company in a separate way. For example, simply give them a call. This way you can make sure that the message is genuine. Be skeptical if you are told that a call is not possible. The type of scam described here is also known as phishing. Real-looking messages are sent to certain people in the form of emails, text messages or chat messages in order to steal login details or bank details, for example. Perpetrators sometimes try to enrich their messages with real information about the target person to make them appear more genuine. This data can come from data leaks from various platforms. It also happens that supposedly trustworthy accounts of friends or family are misused to persuade you to take action. In important matters, always contact the people or companies again via a different channel!

4.27 You do not reply to spam messages

If you reply to spam in the form of messages, emails or SMS, you are more likely to receive more spam. Your contact details become more valuable the more often you reply.

4.28 You have agreed a secret password with your family

Increasingly, publicly available information about relatives is being used in conjunction with AI-generated calls to fake emergency situations in order to obtain money or access data. Protect yourself and your family by agreeing on a shared password for such emergencies.

Make sure that the passwords do not consist of information about you or your family. So avoid names, addresses, pets or birthdays. For example, use words like "strawberry cheesecake".

  1. Why a secret password for the family will be important in future - and what you should look out for,, (de), 2024-12-30

5 Apps and operating system

5.1 You are using a free operating system

Free Android-based operating systems such as grapheneOS or CalyxOS can help you protect your privacy and are not tied to Google, Apple or Microsoft.

If you are unsure which system you should install, the clear recommendation is currently to install grapheneOS on one of the compatible phones. You can find more information in the links.

  1. Data protection only available with alternative Android,, (de), 2022-04-25
  2. GrapheneOS: The Android for security and privacy freaks,, (de), 2020-11-17
  3. CalyxOS,, (en)

5.2 You are using GrapheneOS on a compatible device

GrapheneOS is an Android operating system with a particularly high level of protection and numerous security features and is therefore listed here as a separate task.

A free operating system is always the right choice if you want to be independent of large corporations such as Google or Apple. However, an operating system called GrapheneOS stands out with its numerous security features and is therefore highly recommended for activist purposes. For example, Graphene supports an LTE-only mode that can prevent various attacks on the mobile network. You can also deactivate all of the smartphone's sensors. GrapheneOS only supports a few devices. You can find out what these are and what else it can do on the GrapheneOS website.

  1. GrapheneOS,, (en)

5.3 You have freed your phone from bloatware

Smartphone manufacturers receive millions to billions from Google or Apple for placing their software on your phone. You should definitely remove these apps.

Of course, such amounts are only worthwhile if there is a benefit: The pre-installed software collects data and exploits your habits. You should therefore remove bloatware or install an alternative operating system such as GrapheneOS.

Some pre-installed apps can also be easily deactivated via the app settings. They are then inactive, but continue to use memory. If deactivation via Android is not possible, you can take a look at the "Universal Android Debloater Next Generation". With this tool and a little technical know-how, you can often deactivate the apps anyway.

  1. Get rid of Google apps and other bloatware with the "Universal Android Debloater Next Generation",, (de), 2024-04-30
  2. Google pays billions for Chrome on iOS,, (de), 2023-02-21

5.4 You have deactivated or deleted your advertising ID

You should definitely delete your "mobile advertising ID" (MAID), change it frequently (Android) or prohibit your apps from tracking (iOS) if you do not want the data from different apps to be merged and sold again by so-called data brokers.

If you use iOS or Android, your operating system transmits an advertising ID to your apps in the background. This ID can be attached to the data records of individual apps. If the provider of your apps then sells this data, brokers can merge it with other data sets of yours. This creates veritable stockpiles of your personal data and interests that are traded online.

This data also includes location data, which can be accessed on special websites.

  1. Seven ways to protect your location from data brokers,, (de), 2025-01-15
  2. The disturbingly easy mass surveillance with location data,, (de), 2024-10-24
  3. Security risk: This is how easy it is to secretly track cell phone users,, (de), 2024-01-12
  4. Advertising ID: How the license plate for smartphones works,, (de), 2022-01-24
  5. GDPR complaint: Data protection officer considers Android tracking highly problematic,, (de), 2020-05-18

5.5 Are your apps and system up to date?

Keep apps and your operating system up to date. Malware and state trojans often exploit vulnerabilities in software. Up-to-date apps and an up-to-date operating system are therefore important.

It is generally harder to extract data from your device if your apps and system are up to date. Mobile forensics investigations often rely on security vulnerabilities, which are then more difficult. Also bear in mind that your device could be taken from you when crossing borders or entering repressive or authoritarian countries such as Russia, the USA or China.

  1. How to Enter the US With Your Digital Privacy Intact,, (en)

5.6 Use a password manager

Your security is increased enormously if you use a different complex password for all services on the Internet. You should save these in a password manager such as KeepassXC or Bitwarden.

Remember that your password manager needs a particularly strong password. Also remember to make a regular backup copy of your password database. If you have trouble coming up with strong passwords, you can use the Diceware method. Below you will find a link with instructions. All you need is a dice.

5.7 You only install apps from trustworthy sources

Only use official app stores or F-Droid to obtain your apps. If you know your way around, you can also download apps directly from the manufacturers' websites. Always consider whether you need an app at all.

Infected apps have many ways of attacking you. For example, they can steal passwords.

  1. Android malware: 90 apps with 5.5 million installations discovered,, (de), 2024-05-30
  2. Black Hat Europe 2023: New "AutoSpill" attack on Android password manager,, (de), 2023-12-10

5.8 You check access rights carefully

Your flashlight app wants to access the memory? Not a good idea! Always ask yourself why an app needs permissions and only grant them gradually or when necessary.

5.9 You check which app has access to the Accessibility Services

Accessibility Services is a permission that allows other apps to access their text and media content. This authorization is therefore often used by spy apps to read out content.

This permission is only available on Android devices. Normally, this authorization is only relevant for people who need apps for support. For example, if content from other apps needs to be read aloud.

5.10 Do not take screenshots of personal or sensitive data

Certain malicious apps secretly search your screenshots for login data, recovery data or personal information.

Through AI-supported text recognition, malware is able to read secret data from screenshots and send them. Therefore, do not take screenshots of login data, passwords, personal information or wallet data. This data belongs in a password manager. Also check which apps have access to your memory and photos.

5.11 You use alternative app stores

You can obtain most apps via F-Droid or Aurora Store without logging into Google or without Google services.

  1. Malicious Apps Caught Secretly Turning Android Phones into Proxies for Cybercriminals,, (en), 2024-04-01
  2. Stealth: Criminals sell malware injected into the Google Play Store,, (de), 2023-04-12
  3. Download F-Droid,, (en)
  4. Download Aurora Store via F-Droid,, (en)

5.12 You do not share your Google or Apple account with other people

If other people use the same Google or Apple account on another device, you can be partially monitored.

It may be possible for the other person to see which apps and services you use. It may be able to track your location. And it may allow the other person to log into other apps and accounts of yours.

  1. Stalkerware: protection against surveillance is possible,, (de), 2024-11-24

5.13 You do without Google Play services and Apple services

Google Play services and Apple services provide central infrastructures for some apps. For example, push messages are sent via these services. Government agencies use this fact to monitor iPhone and Android devices.

You can protect yourself from this by using apps that do not require Google or Apple services. Also avoid alternatives such as microG if you have installed your own operating system. For example, install apps from F-Droid that do not require these services. Messengers such as Telegram, Signal and Matrix offer their own alternatives for centralized push messages.

  1. Prominent iOS apps secretly spy on device data,, (de), 2024-01-24
  2. Apple guidelines: Court order for push data mandatory!,, (de), 2023-12-13
  3. Remedy against government surveillance through push messages,, (de), 2023-12-07
  4. Authorities spy on users via push notifications,, (de), 2023-12-07
  5. Authorities ask Apple and Google about users of messenger apps,, (de), 2023-12-06

5.14 You have set up fake accounts with Apple, Google or Microsoft

Especially if you cross borders to repressive countries such as the USA, China or Russia, you can use unsuspicious new fake accounts to prevent your data from being read at the border.

Your device should only contain minimal data. There is a general risk that your device will be analyzed by mobile forensics at these borders and automatically searched for opositional criticism. You could face rejection at the border or even imprisonment. If you are unable to create such accounts beforehand, you should decouple your device before crossing the border so that you no longer have access to your cloud data. You can connect your device to your real accounts after crossing the border. You can also consider purchasing second devices for certain countries if you have to travel frequently.

  1. How to Enter the US With Your Digital Privacy Intact,, (en)

5.15 You use privacy-friendly apps

Many popular apps track your habits and preferences. Find out about privacy-friendly alternatives and check the trackers beforehand!

On you will find alternative apps and services for numerous topics. For example, use browsers such as the DuckDuckGo browser, which do not collect any data about you. The εxodus project also provides you with information about the trackers and permissions used by many apps. For example, map apps such as Organic Maps or Magic Earth do not use trackers at all and are therefore a good alternative to Google Maps.

  1. Police are prosecuting abortion seekers using their digital data — and Facebook and Google help them do it,, (en), 2023-03-05
  2. - The data protection traffic light for digital data,, (de)
  3. εxodus - The privacy audit platform for Android applications,, (en)
  4. How To Get the DuckDuckGo App on Android,, (en)

5.16 You waive root rights

Root rights allow you to use many unique apps. However, these rights may also apply to malicious apps, which is why you should generally avoid root.

If you don't know what root means, your device probably doesn't have it. Root means that you can do anything on your device. For example, uninstall pre-installed apps. Root has to be activated on most devices. Theoretically, other people with access to your phone can also activate root in order to install spy apps, for example. Unfortunately, some apps that can potentially increase your security also often require root rights. Examples include backup applications such as "Neo Backup", but also apps such as "SnoopSnitch", which try to detect IMSI catchers or silent text messages. You should always carefully consider whether you really need root rights on your device. In the vast majority of cases, there is no good reason for this.

If you are not sure whether your device has root, you can try installing a banking app. This will probably not work and will display a message if root is enabled.

5.17 You use secure messengers

You should definitely use open-source, encrypted messengers such as Briar, Signal, Threema, Element or SimpleX. Avoid insecure commercial messengers such as WhatsApp, Telegram and Co.

If you are unsure which messengers are good or if you need arguments to convince family and friends, you should definitely take a look at Kuketz's messenger matrix. There you can easily compare the individual messengers according to functions and security aspects. Also bear in mind that the police in some countries already operate chat apps themselves to make it easier to obtain investigation data.

  1. Courts may use FBI cryptochats,, (de), 2025-01-09
  2. Telegram delivers data to investigators,, (de), 2024-10-08
  3. Telegram: Not suitable for confidential chats,, (de), 2024-10-07
  4. WhatsApp? No, thank you.,, (de), 2024-10-01
  5. Telegram’s peer-to-peer SMS login service is a privacy nightmare,, (en), 2024-03-26
  6. Signal will soon allow you to hide your phone number,, (de), 2024-02-21
  7. Whatsapp lets other users access device information,, (de), 2024-01-18
  8. Messenger matrix,, (de)

5.18 Activate two-step verification in your messengers

The two-step confirmation (two-factor authentication) prevents your SIM card or copies of it from being used to access your messages.

In some messengers, this works via email. In others, you can assign an additional pin. If you lose your phone number or other people or authorities get hold of your SIM card or a copy of it (sim swapping), they can log in with the phone number and read your messages or write in your name.

5.19 You use disappearing messages

Some messengers such as Signal or Threema offer you the option to automatically delete old messages. Use this function to prevent messages from being read in the future, e.g. through confiscation.

  1. Set and manage disappearing messages on Signal,, (en)
  2. Automatically Tidy Up Threema Chats,, (en)

5.20 Do not share your Apple ID and deactivate iMessage

You should not use iMessage and keep your Apple ID secret. iMessage has repeatedly been the target of so-called zero-click attacks in recent years.

In the past, specially prepared messages for iMessage have repeatedly been used to install government Trojans on iPhones. You should therefore avoid this software.

  1. Uproar over alleged backdoor in Apple chips for iPhones and Macs,, (de), 2024-01-07
  2. What is zero-click malware and how does it work?,, (de)

5.21 You do without Apple devices

Apple devices such as iPads or iPhones can become a problem for some people if they do not want to be found. Protect other people by deactivating the location services on your devices or not using them at all.

Especially in contexts such as women's shelters or stalking, tiny AirTags are sometimes used to locate people, devices or vehicles in Apple's network. Apple devices register nearby AirTags and automatically share their location with the Apple network. It is therefore particularly important not to provide Apple's network with any further information. Turning off the location services on Apple devices can help, but unintentional activation or visitors with such devices can put people in danger again. Avoiding such devices and raising the awareness of those around you therefore play a key role here.

  1. About privacy and Location Services in iOS, iPadOS, and watchOS,, (en)

5.22 You have activated lockdown mode on your iPhone

Lockdown mode (blocking mode) can be used on the iPhone to prevent malware infections. Some features are severely restricted in order to protect the system.

A similar feature is not available for Android.

  1. Journalists critical of Putin in the EU attacked with Pegasus spyware,, (de), 2024-05-30
  2. About Lockdown Mode,, (en)

5.23 You restart your phone often

You should restart your phone more often. For example, once a week or before critical conversations. Some state trojans do not survive reboots as they are often not persistent. Although new infections are possible later, this strategy can give you a private window of opportunity.

  1. Stealth: Smartphone security in 2024: experts advise a weekly reboot,, (de), 2024-10-28

5.24 You have reset your device to factory settings

You should reset your phone to factory settings if you no longer trust it. This method is effective against common spy apps from the app store that may be hiding on your device.

This method usually removes unwanted spying or stalking apps from your phone. These apps may have been installed by people close to you when they had direct access to your device. Please be aware that these apps are not comparable to professional state trojans, which can potentially be reinstalled remotely even after resetting your phone. Nevertheless, this option is a good start to get out of toxic relationships or to prevent stalking. Please back up your most important data before resetting.

5.25 You use the "NO STALK" app

The NO STALK app from the Weisser Ring can help you to document unwanted events such as calls, text messages and chat messages in a court of law.

You can find all further information on the NO STALK APP website.

  1. NO STALK App,, (de)