200 Points
You can suppress your phone number when you make calls. This means that the person you are calling cannot see your own number. You can set this for certain people or for all calls.

More information

You should suppress your number, especially if you are being stalked. This is because your number can be used in a variety of ways to attack you. Also be aware that suppressing your number will only mean that it will not be displayed on the other party's phone. Your number will still be saved in the call logs (traffic data) of the providers involved. The authorities can therefore trace your call even if your number is suppressed. Use anonymous SIM cards if you need real anonymity.

Particularly important for the following target groups:

  • Journalism, criticism of the regime and exile
  • Stalking and women's shelters

Other categories

  • Behavior-based risks
  • Dangers in the mobile network
  • Rather simple