600 Points
Many services and platforms on the internet offer to secure logins with a second factor. Use this option whenever possible.

More information

Please also bear in mind that it must be possible to create a backup of your second factor. A cell phone number is not really a good second factor. Firstly, you can potentially lose your number. But it is also possible that other people or authorities can gain access to your number. If you lose your SIM card, you won't be able to access your accounts for the time being. If you use a hardware token as a second factor, please make sure that there is a second one for emergencies! If you use software solutions such as Time-Based-One-Time-Passwords, please create backups in your OTP apps! The Android app Aegis, for example, offers automatic backups.

Particularly important for the following target groups:

  • Political activism
  • House searches and confiscations
  • Stalking and women's shelters
  • Fraud and rip-off

Other categories

  • Behavior-based risks
  • Dangers on the Internet
  • Rather simple