800 Points
You have bought all your devices yourself, pacted them out yourself and set them up yourself.

More information

Always be careful when other people give you a smartphone as a gift, for example. Be particularly skeptical if it has already been set up initially. Spyware could be installed on it. There are also fully set-up phones with spyware on sale, which even inexperienced people can easily use to monitor others. The police have also sold smartphones with pre-installed spyware directly to criminal networks.

Particularly important for the following target groups:

  • Stalking and women's shelters

Other categories

  • Dangers due to direct access
  • Rather simple
  • Is rather more expensive

Sources and further links

  1. Courts may use FBI cryptochats, spiegel.de, (de), 2025-01-09
  2. Stalkerware: protection against surveillance is possible, mobilsicher.de, (de), 2024-11-24